
The Government system in our Empire is Absolute Monarchy with Senate. Senate Members are 20 Female or Male both allowed of course and has to be at least 18 years old. 10 of them will be through elections and 10 through donation. You have to read the conditions for donation.

Elections for Senators will be every year. You cannot vote yourself. A vote right will be send to everyone. Senate votes for laws of the citizens. New events that will join and pass them to ‘’HIM’’ Empress Maria for inspection. Empress Rules. She gives she takes. This rule is not bad for you. It means that we keep the best balance we can for our Empire. This means anyone using inappropriate status or language or being bad to others can bite the dust and be banned from the Castle or the Empire.

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Maria will sometimes grand people with Titles and Honors for their passion to help our Castle, the Empire and our Cause. She will not let the good things pass without a notice.

If you are working for the greater good of our Empire, the Empress will answer with souvenirs and other presents. Show respect to our Empire and have patience.

Cassiopeian Nobility

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