Noble Titles of Cassiopeia

Titles of nobility are claimed titles of social rank that have been fabricated with recognition by the current government of  Cassiopeia. If you have ever dreamed of being able to label yourself thus, then let us make this a reality for you come in the flesh. We offer a unique service in the whole Island of Cyprus as a seperate micronation. Lots of people take advantage of the Cassiopeia titles to help them achieve their long-held aspiration of claiming a royal title  This is why we give those who come to us the choice of thirteen different noble ranks:

Entering the Online Shop you will find out that, Noble ranks have their own  unique  Symbols .   All   Ranking  Symbols   indicate rare endangered species that are threatened today (2020) with extinction. We, Cassiopeia Nation, are the FIRST MICRONATION globally to support  the recovery of various species.

In matter of fact Prince Andrew Skourides and Phoenix Knight Constantinos Antoniou, decided that from the purchase of Noble Titles the ten percent (10%) will follow a noble good cause and fund Charity Organizations and Non Profit Organizations for conservation projects to sustain, protect wildlife conservation of various endangered animals. Lastly we expect that in the near future, if there is an increase in revenues from selling Noble Titles we will also increase the Donation Funded to the Organizations. 

What You Will Receive With Your Title

Not only will you be able to call yourself with the Title, on purchasing you will receive a full title pack including a framed and personalised Individual Title Deed, elegant official documents folder to keep your Title in perfect condition, the history of Cassiopeia and images of the Empire and the Royal Family.

Benefits possessing a Title Of Nobility

Being part of the noble classes of society has always meant having certain privileges. Nobility is a hereditary status which is usually inherited or obtained by marriage. Possessing a title of nobility today can bring the advantage of receiving of free one day accommodation at Donegal style castle.

Advantages of Noble Titles

The Advantages Of Possessing A Title Of Nobility. Being part of the noble classes of society has always meant having certain privileges. Nobility is a hereditary status which is usually inherited or obtained by marriage. Possessing a title of nobility today can bring certain advantages in some countries of the world.